Booking a hotel?

Get Real Insight Into Thousands of Hotel Reviews In Under 1 Second

Choosing your stay was never easier (and faster and clearer)
96% OfTravelersThink That Reading Reviews Is Crucial For Their Booking Process

[According to a Tripadvisor Report]

We all know that genuine user reviews are crucial to any purchasing decision. If you’re like most travelers, it's a given that you sift through multiple hotel reviews, often spanning several booking platforms.

But how many reviews can you read, really? And how long would that take?

It’s been reported that 80% of all travelers spend
up to 4 weeks on TripAdvisor reading others’ reviews and researching their destination.

[According to a Tripadvisor Report]

The Battle Of People V Content

Since there are billions of scattered, irrelevant, long-winded reviews out there, this battle is not without casualties.

We understand that too much info leads to too little clarity. Hey, it's a maze out there.

But it doesn’t have to be.

What do
we do?

We are here to help you Blaze a new trail just by booking your next stay

Using cutting-edge tech based on Natural Language Processing, we streamline decision-making so you can book the right hotel for YOU at the click of a button.

At Blaze, we turn enormous amounts of data into clear, actionable insights.

For that reason, we do not offer hotels the option to pay for added features that may bend your view or obscure your judgment.


Instead, Blaze is on a mission to help travelers gain a deeper look into collective feedback.

Recognizing the diversity of travel needs, we unveil patterns and trends, moving past mere scores and guiding you to decisions that truly resonate with your unique travel requirements.

Our vision is to harness the power of technology to allow full transparency so genuine information is accessible to anyone. We want to inspire you to claim your power as a consumer and make smarter purchasing decisions based on the merit known as “the wisdom of the crowds.”

How it
  • Collect thousands of reviews from major booking sites
  • Using sentiment and trends analysis models
  • Identify, analyze and group similar trends
  • Display results in your data dashboard
making decision
making easy