We collected 107,000 reviews from more than 44 hotels across Europe, reviews are collected from Google, Booking, Expedia and Trip advisor, we analyze them with Blaze engine that reads reviews like humans (so, you just don’t have to).
Blaze provide the most detailed analysis.
This time we wanted to find out why guests complain about their room. We identified 4,109 mentions of room, 3,000 positive mentions of breakfast and 1,109 negative mentions of room. this means that 27% of room mentions were negative.
WHY do guests complain about their room?
Room size - room too small or feels crowded.
Cleanliness - room not clean, specially bathroom and shower, carpets and walls with stain.
Outdated - needs renovation, lack of style or design.
Smell - smell of cigarettes, smell of mold, bad smell.
Noise - Noisy, close to elevator.
Lightning - Room is too dark, no curtains to block the sun.
View - disappointing from the view.
Ants - bugs, mosquitos in the room.
Equipment - No full body mirror, table or seating area, coffee and tea maker, no refrigerator.
Storage - No place for luggage, not enough room in closets, not enough sockets or drawers, hooks to hang stuff.
Temperature - too cold or too hot and problems with A/C.
Technical problems - A/C, tv, phone not working.
Sleep quality - Beds and pillows not comfortable.
Drinks - not enough water to drink, charging for coffee pods, no coffee or tea makers.
Follow these tips for better guest experience:
Always check all the technical and bathroom equipment before guests check-in.
Make sure the room is clean and smells good.
Provide drinking water and some complimentary snacks if possible
Communicate to guests that there is an option to replace pillows and bed if they are not happy with sleep quality.
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