We collected 13,000 reviews from more than 10 hotels across Europe, reviews are collected from Google, Booking, Expedia and Trip advisor, we analyze them with Blaze engine that reads reviews like humans (so, you just don’t have to).
Blaze provide the most detailed analysis.
This time we wanted to find out why guests complain about breakfast. We identified 1,238 mentions of breakfast, 1,046 positive mentions of breakfast and 237 negative mentions of breakfast.
Most Popular Negative Guest Opinions Trends:
Cold coffee, toast, eggs and dry bread.
Food was not tasty.
Quality of ingredients.
Not enough fresh fruit or vegetables.
Not enough hand - made food.
No vegan or gluten - free options.
Not enough variety of cheese or meat.
Not enough local dishes.
Not enough hand - made dishes.
Same food and ingredients every day.
Short serving hours.
Slow service.
Long queues for hand -made food.
We can see that travelers want unique vacations that shock, surprise, and delight, with 50% seeking a complete culture experience and 73% seeking out-of-comfort zone travel. (Booking, 2022)
There is a reason why your guests arrive at your location, let them explore the culture through the local food and special ingredients.
Bon appetite :)